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CD Pressing

Arcube Multimedia offers cost effective solutions for high volume CD pressing. As a Philips licensed manufacturing facility for CD Pressing, Arcube boasts the ability to replicate your discs with 100% data accuracy. Through our rigorous QC process, we are able to consistently manufacture discs that are well within the specs set forth by Philips. We press Software, Music, Multimedia, Video CDs. We can press CDs from a Thousand to Millions. Our pressing service is one of the fastest in the U.S.

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CD Pressing

The CD Pressing process starts when we receive the Master CD, Artwork, and proper IRMA authorization to replicate the discs. We create a “Glass Master” and a stamper from the master you provide. The stamper is then placed in the our state of the art injection molding equipment and a transparent CD is replicated. The next phase of the CD Pressing process requires the clear disc to be metallized through an inline metallization process. We use the most efficient CD Pressing equipment to metalize, and lacquer coat the CD. After lacquer coating, the CD is tested through an in-line optical scanner. All of the CDs that pass our rigorous testing process are selected for printing and any rejected CDs are crushed and destroyed. Once CD Pressing is completed the entire order is quality tested to meet Philips Orange Book specifications for CD pressing. The CD Pressing orders undergo a curing period prior to printing directly on the CD. Typically a CD pressed by our CD Pressing process will either be Silk Screen printed or Offset Printed. Once the CDs are printed the CD pressing order is packaged per your specifications. The “Turn Time” to create a finished product depends upon your requirements. The standard turn time is 9-11 business days for bulk orders. With “Rush Charges”, we can reduce the turn times to as fast as one business day! Arcube offers the CD Pressing service to a number of clients located in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and to customers from the east coast to the west coast.

Shaped CD Pressing

In house shaped CD Pressing!! Want to make an impression and save on space? Try our Mini-CD Pressing services. We offer 3” mini-round CD Pressing and Printing services for small and large quantities alike. Contact your Arcube representative to get pricing on all of your future Mini CD Pressing services.

Go Digital

You can now offer your CDs digitally. Not only can you get CD Pressing at economical prices you can also add our digital download cards to any project creating another means of selling your product. Go Digital with Digital Download Cards!

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